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Sapiens and Neanderthals: Friendship in Difficult Times

More than 40,000 years ago, two different human lineages coexisted: Neanderthals and sapiens. We refer to them as lineages because both gave rise to a common descendant—ourselves. By Cristina de Juan Ortín . Faculty and researcher, member of the ART-QUEO research group, UNIR - Universidad Internacional de La Rioja.

Source: The Conversation


Today we know that people of non-African descent have 1-2% Neanderthal DNA in their genome. This percentage reflects an average estimate of their genetic contribution to Homo sapiens' DNA. However, there are estimates that raise this percentage to 4% when considering different populations.
Currently, Sub-Saharan Africans show around 0.5% Neanderthal DNA due to gene flow, resulting from modern human migrations with Neanderthal DNA back to Africa. Meanwhile, Indigenous Americans and
Oceanic populations have 1-2%, with some regional differences, reflecting the early migration of Asian ancestors to these areas.
Natural selection has eliminated and retained various Neanderthal genes. Those that provide advantages have been retained in higher proportions, such as certain physical traits. Additionally, those that favour immunity and greater thermoregulation capacity have been preserved. On the other hand, some predispose us to certain diseases such as depression or arthritis.
Shared Culture
The mixing of Homo sapiens and Neanderthals occurred during multiple events in different regions of Europe and Asia.
On one hand, they shared the same habitats for thousands of years. During times of scarcity, migrations are frequent, and smaller groups, such as Neanderthals, tend to be more accepting of difference. It is a matter of mere survival.
This should come as no surprise, as the facial features of Homo sapiens would likely have appeared "attractive" to Neanderthals, as explained by Juan Luis Arsuaga in El Collar del Neandertal (‘The Neanderthal's Necklace’).

On the other hand, both groups would have had the physical capacity for language. Although difficult to prove, Neanderthals may have had some form of verbal communication. This is suggested by the anatomy of their vocal cords, vocal tract, and the size and structure of their brains, particularly in areas related to language. Additionally, the shape of the hyoid bone, as noted by researchers from the Kebara Cave in Israel, supports this idea.
They also shared technological knowledge, such as the Middle Paleolithic lithic industry. Evidence of cultural exchange has been found, including Neanderthals adopting Homo sapiens' techniques. One notable area where this phenomenon has been studied is the Chatelperron region in France.
Furthermore, both groups demonstrated great symbolic capacity. In addition to the graphic representations made by Homo sapiens, there are Neanderthal examples, for instance, from the Gorham Cave (Gibraltar) and the Ardales Cave (Málaga).
Both groups also used symbolic items such as personal adornments, hairstyles, pendants, ochre, and burial offerings.


The Conversation - Full article.